The Lebanese Republic or Lebanon is a country situated in the Middle East. The capital of Lebanon is Beirut and the currency is Lebanese pound. The national animal of this western Asia country is Striped Hyena. The scientific name of Striped Hyena is Hyaena Hyaena. This species of Hyena is native to the north & east Africa, Indian subcontinent, the middle east, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The striped hyena is nocturnal and social, these scavengers live in small groups of 2 to 7 members. The striped hyena is mammal's commonly found in arid and mountainous scrub woodland, live in dens made by burrowing or occupying burrow's made by other animals. They also make a den in caves, rock fissures and in erosion channels. The male and female striped hyena both look similar except the height, the male hyena is a bit bigger then it's counterpart. The length of the striped hyena is 2.8 to 4.3ft and weighs around 49 to 120lbs. The striped hyena has long...