In my view a very few people in the world who not love to taste fresh, hot french fries. when you hear the name french fries the first thought in your mind comes is that sure this is a France Chips. But in reality, the chocolate and french fries are the gift from Belgium to the world. In Belgium, it is commonly known as french fries or Belgium chips. In the capital of Brussels, you can find it everywhere easy the french fries stalls by the roadside on turns, at busy hot spots. Brussels french fries are known as Fritcotes. To celebrate the french fries in the capital Brussels organizing Fritcoes Festival starting from 1st November and ends on 4th December. In this period everywhere in capital people doing parties and seminars how these Chips french fries came into existence. So go to Brussels, Belgium and enjoy the real taste of french fries. How to cook french fries:- Ingredients:- Take 5 big potatoes and cut them into strips, Take Salt, And oil for deep-frie...
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